I have a website where users can login and create tickets. When they create tickets it has to go to their respective trello account as card.
For Example:
User A has a trello account. So when user A is logged in and create a ticket, a card should be created in his Trello account.
User B has a trello account. So when user B is logged in and create a ticket, a card should be created in his Trello account.
I have set up a trigger for this using rest hook from the web ui of zap editor.
In this trigger, I have a subscribe, unsubscribe, perform and performList actions.
subscribe - posted a hook and I have saved it in our database
perform - Will return array of tickets
performList - Will return array of tickets
I have tested the trigger by creating a zap.
In the zap trigger, I have chosen my account, then tested the trigger and got the tickets.
Then I have created the action, chosen the name and description of the card. Then tested it and a card created in Trello
Then I published the app and got the hook url.
When I called the url, (via postman) cards are created for all the tickets returned from the perform action. Again I called the url then it duplicated the cards.
Here is the problem I am facing. Why it created the duplicate cards?
Yes perform list and perform actions are having unique id fields and sorted in desc order as mentioned in the doc here https://platform.zapier.com/docs/dedupe
Please see the screen shots of the process