How to Update the Google Sheets Recalculation Setting

  • 24 December 2020
  • 1 reply
How to Update the Google Sheets Recalculation Setting
Userlevel 6
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Do you use formulas in your Google Sheets like =today()?

Google Sheets formulas like NOW, TODAY, RAND, and RANDBETWEEN - will often only update when the Spreadsheet is opened or updated.

This can cause issues with Zaps if we expect those dates to be updated automatically to trigger Zaps.

In the Sheet itself - we can adjust how often Google updates the values for those formulas.

  1. Go to File > Spreadsheet Settings.
  2. In the screen that pops up - click on the Calculation tab and change the setting for Recalculation to be either “On change and every minute” or “On change and every hour” - then click Save.

With the every minute setting - Google will update the calculations for formulas like today() every minute. Every hour would do the same thing on an hourly basis.

This will enable Zaps that use those formula columns to trigger (or find records) without the spreadsheet needing to be opened to update the value.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Thanks @Jared 

Wish I’d known about this 4.5 years ago when I first started using Zapier. I ended up building a very complex looping zap - and learning to use Zapier in the process - all because I thought =today() only fired when the sheet was actively opened/updated. :joy:
