
I am facing the error T004 static Sample Contains a Subset of Keys from Live Result

  • 23 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Hey, I hope you’re doing great. I have a problem that I am not being able to resolve. I keep getting the following error that’s refraining me to publish my app:-

Static sample includes fields not found in latest task history (ID: 00d49543-2046-a4e7-a86b-a26973fc7a31); extra keys: “id”, “msg”

This is the sample data that I have set :-
 “id”: 2,
 “msg”: “Action, thriller”,
 “date”: “123”,
I have also attached a screenshot of it (the first one).

The data that my latest zap returns is :-
msg:Action, thriller
Also attached a screenshot of it (second one):-

I want to publish my Zapier App and this is the only error that I am getting. I need the client_id of my Zapier app as I want to embed my zaps on my original (Vue) application.

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1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hey @arslan 👋

I see you wrote into our Support team and have resolved your error - great! To pass that check for publication, you’ll need your defined sample to match the output of a live Zap run - an example is shown here: