
Can the Zap Name be passed in bundle sent with Subscribe

  • 7 June 2020
  • 1 reply

I am upgrading an App from legacy platform to new latest platform. In my original App the name of the Zap was passed in the bundle sent with Subscription. This was used stored in the target application to allow administrators to track and manage subscriptions. The new platform seems to only send the Zap ID. Is there a way to include the Zap Name and if not is this something you could add back in the future.


Legacy Bundle had Zap Name

"bundle": {

    "zap": {
        "live": false,
        "link": '',
        "name": 'My Test Zap',
        "user": '',


New Bundle does not appear to have name

"bundle": {
    "authData": {
    "inputData": {
    "inputDataRaw": {
    "meta": {
        "isLoadingSample": false,
        "isFillingDynamicDropdown": false,
        "isTestingAuth": false,
        "isPopulatingDedupe": false,
        "limit": -1,
        "page": 0,
        "zap": {
            "id": 89492508
    "targetUrl": ""


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @brianj I checked with the team on this one and the Zap name isn’t available anymore. The closest you could get would be the Zap ID, but that’s not quite the same.