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Hi there!

I’m new to Zapier. To give you some context, I’m a reseller of software licences. 

Here’s my scenario: 

   1. A customer of mine buys a software product on my site with ThriveCart

   2. I need to get a serial number for the software from the software vendor (here’s the tricky thing)

   3. As soon as the vendor give me the licence #, I send an email to my customer


Do you know how can I do this workflow with Zapier? I need to send some data to the vendor with infos like order#, invoice#, productType, quantity but I don’t know how ? A mail? A Webhook? A shared Google Spreadsheet?

Then when I receive the licence number from the vendor I need to send it back to my customer automatically.

What would be the easiest solution?

Thanks for your advices.


Just wanted to summarise the content of this thread for future community Members. @ArnaudP, please let me know how you’re got on, or if you have anything to add about this problem. 

  • In order to get the License Number, we need the vendor to send us this data somehow - The best solution here is for the vendor to give you a public API that you can call.
  • Although Thrivecart doesn’t have any actions on Zapier, it does have a well documented API which we can use to send a webhook back Here’s some documentation, if you can give us more information about what you’d like to do in Thrivecart once you have the license ID we can give you some more pointers.

Regarding the API and passing data to the vendor, you should consult your developer.


ThriveCart doesn’t have any Actions available via Zapier:



  1. Trigger: ThriveCart - Product Purchase
  2. Action: Webhooks (API to Vendor)
  3. Action: Gmail - Send Email (TBD if another email app would be used instead)

Okay Troy but which technique should I use to pass my vendor the data?


And next step, which Zapier/ThriveCart component should I use to handle the resulting License # and do something with it?



Have your vendor/developer create a simple API that can be pinged to return a License # in real-time.

Hi Troy,

Thanks for your reply.


Today we have nothing. My vendor has an internal API that I don’t have access for now. My vendor is a developper, so we create whatever system we want.


In an ideal world, what would you suggest? 


How are you currently getting the license # from the vendor? (e.g. via email, portal, etc.)

Does your vendor have an API to use?