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I know this will be a simple solution but I cant find anything about it!


We have multiple numerical values being passed through Zapier to Hubspot. Recently, Hubspot has decided that they no longer accept numbers with commas in so the zaps cant proceed. 


Is there a way, via formatter or code, to remove all commas in any number fields?


An example of what gets passed through can be seen below: 


Just want to remove the comma from any fields that come through with it. The number of fields with numbers can vary from 0-7 in any one zap.




If there are multiple values that need to be manipulated, then it would be more efficient to use 1 Code step.

Hi @rogan2442 

Good question.

Try this Zap action: Formatter > Text > Replace

Hi Troy, would I need to do this for all values? So an individual formatter for each text box that brings in value?

Hi @rogan2442 

Good question.

Try this Zap action: Formatter > Text > Replace