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I’m trying to use the LinkedIn APi request (beta) to get the analytics of a specific post.

The request i’m using is GET{org_ID}&sharesa0]=urn:li:share:{share_ID}

in Zapier API interface, i’ve encoded the url like that : ‘urn%3Ali%3Aorganization%3A{org_ID}’ (same logic for the share ID.

can’t find out why the request indicates  Invalid param.

ANy suggestion will be appreciated ;)





Did you try wrapping the right side values in List(URN) as indicated by the API docs?



shares = List(urn:li:share:7132564752928563200,urn:li:share:7132402731377438720)

WOW ! this is it !!!
wrapping the URN brought correct results.

@Troy Tessalone : I really appreciate your support on this issue. Thanks a lot : you made my day !

Hi @djrlambert 

Can you link to the LinkedIn API endpoint documentation you used to configure the Zap step?

Hi @Troy Tessalone ! here’s the link


From the link you provided...


This warning is presented on all Linkedin API.

I’m using the versioned API , ie :
the unversioned looked like

below is a screen capture of the Zap Action Tab :



You should not need to encode the query string parameter values as those will get encoded when the request is sent.


Hi @Troy Tessalone 

I’ve retried my Zap with the following set-up : 
it’s still generating an error message.

Error message :

According to Troubleshooting Beta IA, the shares>0] parameter might be causing the issue.



Example from the API docs:


Instead of sharess0] use shares

it seems the parameter issue has been fixed, but running this ZAP now results in a different type of error : 

Zapier troubleshoot AI gives no detailed explanation.


For us to have context about the error, we would need to see updated screenshots with how the entire Zap step is configured.

thank you for your patience ! here are the screen captures